I've mentioned Ys at least a few times over the past couple of weeks, and for good reason. The first two entries in this long-running franchise influenced an entire generation of Action-RPGs. Surprisingly, the first time I ever actually played through both Ys 1 & 2 was the updated Chronicles+ edition. It was, aside from Dark Fact, a very good time. Let's fast forward another decade or so to right now. I've finally, yes finally, sat through Ys Book I & II, the Turbografx CD edition that so many gamers adore. My thoughts on this epic journey are... well, sadly my thoughts are dominated by two individuals. Their combined efforts certainly weren't enough to bury either game, but damn... I mean damn! This should've been the easiest review in the world. Heap a bunch of praise and ride off into the sunset. Instead, the abyss is staring me dead in the eyes yet again.
Ys 1 feels significant but also comforting. Perhaps it's because with every playthrough, it latches ever closer to the innermost region of my soul. I have a sense of its significant impact on the world of video games, yet the adventure feels as homely as those days I spent in the valleys of West Virginia. There's a lot of nostalgia here for a game that I've only played through maybe four or five times. Perhaps it's how easily the layouts of each region embed themselves in my memory. The soundtrack, a series of earworms, plays a major part in aiding my recollection of Adol's every move, even if said move is running through the same goons repeatedly to grind out the early level-ups.
I think it's fair to say that the combat is a perfect fit. Without pressing a single button, you've got all of the reflexes and strategy that you'll ever need. Correcting movements at the last possible second, scouting opportunities, and pummeling the opposition until there's nothing left. It's exactly what you want out of a "bump-combat" (or Joust-like) Action-RPG. The dance of death between Adol and the many goons that accost him still feels as fresh as ever. When you're doing good, you're like a red-headed buzzsaw on a serious tear. All it takes are a few mistakes to ruin your day, which is positively splendid. The dungeons aren't exactly packed with obstacles, but something as simple as a different layout has a noticeable effect on how you deal with the goons.
Nothing worse than goons in the village. |
Also, I'm trying in vain to take the word goons back from the gooning community. After all, that's what the townspeople in Ys Book I & II call them. No idea how that happened, but it could always be worse. In Brain Lord, all of the monsters are referred to as goblins, even when they're clearly giant bugs or something else entirely. Faxanadu was absolutely absurd. The villainous creatures in that game were called dwarves. Dwarves! I mean, sure they were originally dwarves until the Evil One transformed them all into monsters, but... alright I'm getting sidetracked.
If I'm getting sidetracked, then it's probably because I have to talk about something that I don't like. You know, it's like the old saying "the bat in the ointment". The boss fights in Ys 1 are either tolerable or abominable. Part of it has to do with how leveling works. If Adol is struggling against a boss, he probably just needs one additional level of experience to even the odds. Two or more level-ups are liable to be overkill, because then he'll shred the poor bastard in seconds. Due to my nature, which is to grind and grind heavily, I crushed everything with hardly a sweat. Dark Fact? Nailed him on the first attempt. Obviously, this isn't the ideal experience, but it is my experience. Given the choice, I'll settle for "that wasn't great, but it's already over" over the alternative any day of the week.
Speaking of the alternative, it's time to discuss Vagullion. This is the first time I've ever looked up the name of a Ys boss. For the longest time I called him a giant middle finger that turns into 16 smaller middle fingers. Swear on my everything, fighting this sack of bat-shit is the worst part of Ys 1 by far. I mean, Dark Fact in Chronicles+ is totally hellacious, but still somewhat fair. The Turbografx CD version of Vagullion, on the other hand, is worse than anything I fought in Lagoon. Yes, Lagoon!
I hate everything. |
To start with, you can't hurt Vagullion when he's a bunch of little bats. You have to wait until he has reformed. Oh, but get this. You can't really move while waiting, because this boss can and will opt not to reform just to pile on the misery. The hurt-boxes on the bats are comically large, so good luck trying to weave in-between the winged jerks. If all that wasn't enough, the chance to actually hit Vagullion's fully formed self is very small, and Adol will take immense damage if you don't know exactly where to strike. Nothing about this fight is any good. It doesn't feel nice when it's finally over either. I'm lucky to feel anything at all after giving my soul to Ys 1, only for it to be feasted upon by a boss that sucks in every sense of the word.
On the bright side, barring some minor annoyances in Darm Tower, the rest of the game is quite solid. I don't have a problem with the halls of mirrors either. Maybe all these years of teleporter mazes has numbed me to the point where I can excuse what might be the progenitor to all of them. Nowadays, it just feels quaint instead of frustrating. "Oops! I entered the wrong mirror and now I have to start over." doesn't have the impact that it might've had years ago. Apologies if I'm sounding too generous here. No doubt there's somebody out there who still hates that part of the tower (or the tower in general, which... fair). Also, it goes without saying but Ryo Yonemitsu's arranged soundtrack for Ys Book I & II is excellent.
One of the rare instances where I didn't loathe a sewer dungeon. |
Ys 2 is a substantially better game, let me just get that out of my system right here and now. This is exactly what I wanted from a sequel. Many unique locales to visit. More complex dungeons. A variety of tools and spells for problem-solving. All of these elements and more enrich the journey, creating an epic deserving of innumerable accolades. Half of this Action-RPG's final dungeon takes place in the sewers, and I don't have any complaints whatsoever. Imagine not having any complaints about a freaking sewer. Falcom & Alfa System got almost everything right.
Yep... There's that word: "almost". Well, let's try and focus on the good until then, shall we?
One of the notable additions to this entry is the handful of rods Adol will come across in his travels. Each rod casts a specific spell. They're all useful, though the two you'll spend the most time with are the rod that shoots fireballs, and the rod that transforms Adol into a goon. A fire rod is great in any circumstance but absolutely shines during boss fights. Yep, this time around you'll be dodging and weaving, all the while looking for the chance to shoot your shot. It's almost shmup-like really. Due to this change, I'm less inclined to over-level. For once, I want a fair fight. A wild statement to make, but I stand by it. Transforming into a goon is fun too. Adol can freely speak with other goons to learn clues or have a laugh.

I mentioned puzzle-solving a second ago, as there are quite a few problems that can't be slashed or fried. Ys 2 will feel like an adventure game at times, particularly in the late game where you're hunting down key-items to take to various locations. The sprinkles of variety here and there add flavor without detracting from the core gameplay. A couple solutions are a tad more obtuse than I would've liked, but the possibility exists that my brain just isn't what it used to be, or wasn't what I thought it was. I forget which.
Despite all of the additions, I fear there is less for me to say about this entry than its predecessor. In fairness, Ys Book I & II is approached as a singular package, particularly the Turbografx CD version. While Adol loses all of the items that he obtained in Esteria, he still retains his level of experience. Also, unlike Chronicles+, the combat doesn't see a substantial revamp between the first and second games. Besides the inclusion of the rods, everything you learned in the beginning will carry you through to the very end.

Of course, it has to be the very end of Ys 2 that brings me down. Before going any further, I want to recognize the few gamers who have managed to defeat the final boss of this game without taking damage. That is an incredible achievement, a miracle of unparalleled skill. However, and I am speaking entirely for myself here, Darm is bullshit fight. I hate everything about it. I know I gave Dark Fact a pass because of his final boss status, so why not Darm? It's because Darm isn't any fun.
Words were said about teleporting enemies & bosses in previous reviews, yet they pale in comparison to this RNG-ridden monstrosity. I scurry all over the arena, chasing the most obnoxious pearl, all the while pelted by unreasonably sized projectiles. Now there is a pattern to the globs getting tossed everywhere, and I have managed to go quite some time without taking a hit, but that comes at the cost of reliably damaging the boss. There is rhyme and reason to avoiding his attacks, but responding in kind is subject to a potentially endless number of retries. I've had good runs fall apart. Why? Darm simply decided he didn't want to get close anymore, almost as if he didn't want to die. Selfish prick. Then there are the runs where everything is underwater from the outset. The arena, which resembles a misshapen donut, provides ample places for Darm to stay just out of Adol's reach, long enough to win the war of attrition. This is some of the most maddening gaming that I've ever put myself through.
Now there is one thing that I didn't do which might've saved me a few dozen attempts, I didn't hit the level-cap. As much as I enjoyed Ys 2, there was no way I was going to grind out hundreds of goons for a pitiful 10 or 12 experience a head. My "grind heavily" nature be damned! ...I might've made the wrong call here. There was nothing stopping me from throwing on some music and vibing for however long it'd take... No... No! That's crazy! Why should I have to farm for hours just because the final boss won't sit still for an extra half a second? Why must I suffer when it's really just a little bad luck? Why can't I stop being pigheaded and admit defeat?
These whys pile to the ceiling and come crashing down like a most intense and uncertain wave. What remains of me, I can scarcely remember. Ys Book I & II is a classic, a required play for Turbografx CD fans even, but it's also evil. Evil with a kickass arranged soundtrack by Ryo Yonemitsu.